Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gmod Tools Introduction

Now that you've read through the introduction for the basic boring information, now it's time to move onto the fun part; explaining the tools you have at your disposal to build some crazy contraptions like rides and houses, to reeking havock with lasers and explosions. Okay first load up a level like explained in the Introduciton and pull up the Q menu. It should look something like this:

(have in mind I have a lot of addons that you will not recognize from props, tools, and vehicles, to entities and npcs)

Now this above is what you should have on your screen, if you loaded the map called gmod_construct which is the default map with Garry's Mod. I have a statistics bar in the bottom right hand of my screen, ignore that. So you should have your health in the bottom left, and you should notice that you have this weird looking blue gun in your hands. This is known as the phys_gun or the Physics gun. What this can do is if you left click and hold u can pick up and move a prop (item) around. if you right click it freezes the prop (when you freeze it, let go of left click). To rotate the prop, while holding left click hold down E and move the mouse to rotate the object, if you also hold down shift at the same time, it rotates the prop to exact 45 degree angles. So that's the Physics gun. Now if you hit 6 once you will get the screenshot weapon where you just click to take a picture that saves it into your gmod folder, this is not very important. Now then, double click 6 and click left click on your mouse to pull out the tool gun. This is a very important weapon, if you can call it that. You use the tool gun with your left and right click, depending on what tool you have selected in the menu, it will exhibit a different effect with each click from welding, hydraulics, emitters, thrusters, turrets, materials, color, paint, and more.

Okay so now pull out your tool gun. You should see something like this:

To change the tool of use, click and hold Q, hover your mouse over what tool you want to use and click it. Gmod will automatically change the tool gun to the one you just selected from the list. Also press and hold C when out of the Q menu to pull up a little properties menu for the tool or you can just modify the properties of the tool through the Q menu. Refer to other posts of tool names on how to use each individual tool.